Minecraft Downloads

Minecraft Downloads

If you would like to play Minecraft with us, we have several different servers:
Mo Creatures Server: (1.7.10) htkb.dyndns.org:25565
Creative Server: (1.7.10) htkb.dyndns.org:25567
This is a list of mods that we are using on the server, compatible with 1.7.10.
Forge 1.7.10
Dr Zhark"s Mo Creatures
Custom Mob Spawner
iPixeli"s Gender Mod
Bspkrs Core
Tree Capitator
Moar Food
Moar Ores
Biblio Craft
Fossils and Archaeology
Rei"s Minimap
Xaero"s Minimap
Vanilla Server: htkb.dyndns.org:25566
Here is a skin template to make custom skins:
Steve skin template

For first time setups, please follow these steps to make your client compatible with the server:
0) If you don"t have Minecraft, go to Minecraft.net and download the latest version of the launcher.
1) From the launcher create a new profile and change its version to the relevant version (e.g. 1.7.10).
2) Save the Profile, select the new profile and click play.
3) Exit the program.
4) Install Forge. If it is not automatically selected, then browse to your .minecraft folder.
Windows: It is in a hidden folder: c:\Users\*Username*\Appdata\Roaming\.minecraft
Mac: "Go to" ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
5) If you are managing multiple non-compatible mods, then you man have to make folders like:
6) If your folder doesn"t have a /Mods folder, create one. Place the files from the mod list into the /mods folder.
Even if it works, don"t put two minimap mods in the same folder.
7) Open the Minecraft Launcher, edit your version (e.g. 1.7.10) profile to use the forge version of the same.
8) If you are using a different folder, then remember to change the Game Directory in the profile.
9) Save the Profile, select the new profile and click play.
10) You should see the mods listed on the side of the Minecraft window.
11) Go to multiplayer and click add server.
12) Name the server something distinct and put "htkb.dyndns.org:2556x" in the address bar where "x" is the relevant port.
13) Save the server entry. You should see a connection to the server. Double click to join.